Habits and Routine

Whilst on your healing journey, your habits and routines are on of the key things you might want to explore, after all our general well being is the sum of the actions that we repeat day in day out, and sometimes we find ourselves defaulting to actions that no longer benefit our mind, body or goals- if you are looking to make some improvements to your overall wellbeing, or some big leaps in life, here are some important things for you to consider.

Here are five things you can consider when thinking about changing your routine?

Have Compassion for yourself

There is no shame in our bad habits, such as lots of screen time, or procrastinating behaviour. Our habits formed because they best suited us at that time, this could be to protect us from something we didn’t want to experience, or because at that point in our life they were the healthy alternative to something else. Hypnotherapy can be a really useful tool for supporting change at it supports you to shift and reverse old habits on a deeper level, and can increase your focus on the positive as well.


My belief is that motivation is directly connected to purpose, feel in to what is genuine for you and match your new habits to an intention, end goal or sense of purpose, this means that anytime you feel unsure about it or yourself, you have something positive to connect back to

Building a routine takes time

Don’t expect your mind and body to change radically, and dramatically but designing a whole new day that incorporates all the workouts, reading, mediation and juices at once, it may feel good for a little bit, but it might also send you into panic, or into giving up quickly. Start small and let positive changes build their own momentum.

Habit Stacking

Habit stacking is the idea of building habits together so that they are more memorable, or easier to complete.

For example, if your morning coffee is already an important part of your day, why not combine this moment with journaling or reading instead of screen time (if these are your goals?)

Perhaps the moment when you are washing your face, or brushing your teeth and are already infant of the bath room mirror is the perfect time to add in some positive affirmations?

Have a think about how you can build some more enriching moments into the things you already do.


Is there a friend, family member or colleague who you trust to support you with this change? Maybe even a friend who wants to go on the same journey together with you, with support for each other, and some one who cares that your achieve your goals, you are far more likely to achieve everything that you are hoping for.

Extra help

If you have be goals, or need that extra push to figure them out and get started, I can help you. Through hypnotherapy we can explore your confidence, habits and the steps that you can take to get there. Get in touch to see what we can achieve together.


Moving from our inner power


Hypnotherapy & Confidence