Hypnotherapy & Confidence

Building confidence, whether in ourselves, in our work or in our relationships is an important part of the work we do through out our lives. One of my approaches is that our confidence really can underpin our ability to get so many other things done in life, and to feel calm, happy and reassured.

If you are seeking more confidence through hypnosis, in Brighton or on Zoom there are many ways we can explore this through hypnotherapy, if you life, reflect on these at home aswell

Idealised & Most Confident Self

If you’re reading this at home, you might want to journal on what your most confident, and ideal self looks like, how do they they think, feel, act and move. What the same as now? What’s different from now? What messages do they have for you? If we were to explore this through our sessions, we would tap into these visualisations while you were in hypnosis (a deep state of relaxation), allowing you to feel even deeper into this confident self. From here the thoughts you shared with me would become an uplifting and relaxation meditation that you could take home with you to practise day after, til you no longer need it


They sometimes seem like a cliche, but affirmations are a great way of reminding ourselves, and sculpting our brain into new belief systems, the more we hear or focus on something, the more energy, thought and attention we are able to give it. By pairing them with hypnosis we allow them to sink deeper into our minds, and take a stronger hold on us.

Try ‘I find ____ easy’ or ‘everyone is reassured by my confidence’ for size

Unpicking old beliefs

The type of hypnotherapy I offer is Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy: a key aspect we explore is how your different key thoughts (cognitions) are shaping your behaviour, emotions and day to do life. When we can un-pick these thoughts a bit more we can begin to separate your old belief from the new idea that you are looking to create.


How does the most confident version of yourself behave? We’ve all heard the phrase ‘fake it til you make it’, but this really does have an element of truth, often our small and unconfident beliefs are something we’ve been practising- sometimes for our entirely lives, and through playing with just small shifts in how we put ourselves out there we will find our internal belief system might just start to catch up!

Looking to start a journey towards more confidence? Please do get in touch, I offer hypnotherapy in Brighton and on zoom, many of my clients find that within four session they are finding self-expression, work-meetings and self-assurance comes to them with far far more ease.

Thank you for reading!


Habits and Routine


What will I experience through hypnotherapy?