Moving from our inner power

Many people I speak to are aware of their strengths and qualities, but have found that over time, other aspects of life have buried these things, hiding them from view, they become hidden by fears of other thoughts.

One thing I often explore with clients is how to connect back the the strength of that inner light. Hypnotherapy is powerful for this; as the state of hypnosis allows you to connect deeply back to your core, with out the mind fluff or learned distractions that attempt to silence that voice.

When you get the opportunity, try to visualise this for yourself

Connecting deep to a light or orb, locating where it is in your body, and naming it 2 or 3 qualities that you might find it easiest to connect to, allowing it grow larger and brighter as you breath in to it.

Next, begin to visualise the days or week ahead: what will your life look like when your connect fully, and embodying these skills,

how will you feel?

what will you believe?

how will you behave?

what do you prioritise?

What does this most ideal self do and not do, to live with strength, confidence and authenticity?

When you’re ready, release this visualisation, knowing it can be accessed at any time.

If connecting deeper to your strength through hypnotherapy and deep focus is something you are keen to work on, then get in touch, and we can explore how hypnotherapy and reiki might improve things for you.



Brighton based hypnotherapist and reiki healer


Into a time of rest


Habits and Routine